Where have I been?

Where have I been?

First and foremost, thank you. It has been four years since we were last together, and those four years were some of the most trying yet beautiful moments of my life, each moment shaping my path. Despite the challenges, your unwavering support, belief, and encouragement have been my guiding light. Your stories of perseverance and resilience have inspired me to keep going, to push through the hardships. It is because of you that I found the strength to continue, and it is your faith in me that has brought Obé to where it stands today. Your trust and dedication are the heart and soul of Obé, and for that, I am eternally grateful.

Starting from the beginning

After making my promise to Kayla, I set to work. I spent months and months carefully researching and curating a solution that would meet her needs, our needs. I didn’t know what it was just yet, so I had to find my way. Once I came to the realization that it was a waterproof headscarf, there were many, many nights spent sitting at my kitchen table late into the early hours. Cutting pieces of latex, trialing shapes, and designs to prototype the perfect swim solution. There were moments, material everywhere, my husband thought I was crazy. But, I continued to work day and night until I had something. 

The more support I garnered, the more I realized I needed to find a factory to help me scale my promise. I worked relentlessly with them. Curating every aspect with love, to finally reach a sample that I believed was good enough. On to production, and to not delay, I co-ordinated with the factory to send the NEMES (now Obé) products directly.

To find out they were no better than bin bags, after pouring my heart and soul into the project, as well as investing my life’s savings, was soul destroying. Adding to that, the weight of responsibility of having let you all down, not delivering on my promise, broke me.

I undertook the painstaking task of personally reaching out to everyone who had believed in me, but who I have failed. I was at rock bottom. 

The impact of Covid-19

If it couldn’t have been any worse, like everyone else around the world, 2020 brought about the most unexpected and terrifying event in my life—COVID-19. The pandemic caused widespread panic and health-related challenges, but for me, it also brought the temporary collapse of what was then NEMES, now Obé. I was stuck. Unable to rectify and ghosted by the factory I thought was our savior. It was the worst time of my life, and there were very dark days. I wanted to give up.

In fact, I did give up. I pushed Obé to the side and searched for other ways to advocate for water safety. The promise I had nurtured seemed unattainable, and my heart ached with the weight of powerless uncertainty.

Divine intervention

I was still reeling from the failure of NEMES, and responded by throwing myself into co-founding the Black Swimming Association. I was running on empty, emotionally and physically. My husband, deeply concerned for my wellbeing had a firm but much needed conversation with me. He told me I had a choice to make. I either pursue my dream and fulfill my promise, or I put that to bed and focus on my work with the BSA. He would not support both, because it was breaking me and he couldn’t bear to see the woman he loved destroyed.

I was at a crossroads. Do I just sell off the idea to an interested party and walk away? Or do I give it another shot? Breaking my promise, and witnessing my two daughters still unable to embrace their true, authentic, powerful selves in the water spurred me to want to continue, but I just didn’t know if I had the strength. I left it in God’s hands. 

No more than two days later, God answered. I received a DM from someone who had seen my plight and wanted to help. They believed in me, and my mission and had the experience I didn’t, to avoid another catastrophe with a factory to help me deliver on my promise. They relit the fire within me and gave me back the belief that I was on to something. It felt like divine intervention, and that I was no longer alone.  

The decision to fight back

To say it has been a journey is an understatement. Over the past two years, I have poured everything into further developing and improving Obé. Determined not to let past setbacks define our future, working closely with a small team of experts at Justgood. With their support, we have built a foundation that ensures we won’t be let down by manufacturing challenges again.

We tested and tweaked the product over and over, refusing to settle for anything less than perfection. Each iteration brought us closer to creating something truly remarkable. Obé was made with love, iteration, and grit, ensuring that every detail was meticulously crafted to meet the highest standards of quality and functionality. I knew that Obé would be a part of countless cherished memories, help heal generational trauma surrounding water, and restore freedom, confidence, and power to so many. We had to get this right.

A new beginning

After countless samples, long nights, and delayed timelines, Obé is back, and it is here to stay. This journey has taught me resilience, patience, and the invaluable importance of community. I am forever grateful for your belief in me and your belief in Obé. My hope is to build Obé with you because it started with my daughter but it is truly for you.

Obé is more than just a product; it is a symbol of perseverance, love, and a commitment to a promise. It embodies our dedication to creating a solution that allows everyone to enjoy the water without compromising their hair health or authenticity. Together, we are not just making a product; we are forging a legacy of empowerment and confidence.

Together, we are Obé

As we move forward, I am thrilled to continue this journey with you. Together, we can ensure that Obé reaches those who need it most, providing a sense of freedom and confidence in and around water. Your support has been the cornerstone of this revival, and I am dedicated to making Obé a lasting legacy.

Join us in this new chapter of Obé. Let's continue to advocate for water safety and inclusivity, making a meaningful difference together. Thank you for being an essential part of this incredible journey.

With love and much gratitude,

Danielle Obé

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